From the course: Modo 2019 Essential Training

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UV Relax tool

UV Relax tool

- [Narrator] In this video we're going to be taking a look at the UV relax tool. What this tool does is to help minimize distortion on a UV map. So, what do I mean by distortion? Well, if you flatten a three-dimensional shape onto a two-dimensional grid, you can't always preserve the surface area accurately. Some areas are likely to get stretched and other areas are likely to get squashed. And in fact, the UV view can show you, where the distortion occurs in your mesh. There's this handy icon here. See, when I disable it, all the color disappears. And when I re-enable it, we have some areas, that are bright blue and other areas that are bright red. The red areas represent polygons, that are squashed and the blue areas represent polygons that are stretched. Generally you'll find, that concave areas get stretched and convex areas get squashed. And this is where the relax tool comes in. It will help us to fix some of the distortion. I switched to polygon mode and I'm going to…
