From the course: Modo 2019 Essential Training

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Texturing the dials

Texturing the dials

- [Instructor] In this video we're going to create the textures for the dials, and there are three materials. There is a metal on the top, and then there's a black matte plastic on the side, and then at the bottom, there's another strip of metal, and I'll start at the top. I'll just hover my mouse over the relevant polygons. I'll right-click, and then I'll go to the Shaders sub-menu, and I'll select the shader, and that will select it in the Shader tree. Since this has to be a metal I'm going to set the diffuse amount to zero, and I'll set the speculate amount to 60, and I'll leave the color as white. And I want these specular reflections to be anisotropic, which means they're going to be stretched out, due to micro-structures on the surface of the material. And this is going to require a little bit of setup. I'll begin by setting the anisotropy to 100%. But I'm also going to need to apply a map to the material, in order to tell Modo which direction to stretch the reflections in. And…
