From the course: Modo 2019 Essential Training

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Setting up the camera and lighting

Setting up the camera and lighting - MODO Tutorial

From the course: Modo 2019 Essential Training

Setting up the camera and lighting

- In this video I'm going to set up the camera and the lighting for this scene. So let's start with the camera. I'll select it in the item list. And the first thing I'm going to do is to change the focal length from the default of 50 millimeters to 90 millimeters to give a bit more of a telephoto effect. Then I'll switch my 3D viewport from perspective view to the camera view and I'll just take a few seconds to navigate within the camera view in order to frame my shot. So if you hold Control and Alt, you can zoom in, and if you hold Control and Shift, you can pan around, and if you just hold Alt, you can rotate. And sometimes it can be a bit easier to frame your shots using preview, so I'm just going to open a preview panel here, on the left-hand side, and I'll run the preview and using the same controls I can frame my shot in a way that I find pleasing. So I'll just take a few seconds to do this. And with my shot now framed, I need to take care of the lighting, so I'm going to switch…
