From the course: Modo 2019 Essential Training

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- [Instructor] In this video, we're going to be taking a look at Replicators. Replicators are similar to instances in that they are exact procedural copies of the original mesh. The main difference being that Replicators are designed to be scattered in large numbers around the scene using a particle system. So here I have a single copy of my palm tree mesh. And what I'd like to do is distribute a large number of duplicates across the surface of this plane. And the first step in this process is to create a Particle Source for the Replicator. So in the Item List I'm going to click on the Add Item button, I'm going to go to Particles and I'm going to expand that and I'm going to select the Point Clouds option and then I'm going to locate the Surface Particle Generator and I'm going to double-click to add that to the Item List. And I'll need to assign a Source Surface to my Surface Particle Generator, so in the Source Surface dropdown, I'm going to select my plain mesh and I can see some…
