From the course: Modo 2019 Essential Training

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Render passes

Render passes

- [Instructor] This video is going to be an introduction to render passes in Modo. Render passes essentially allow you to save different scene states within the same scene. It's a little bit like having a collection of sub scenes within a master scene. Let me demonstrate how they work. I'm in the Render tab and I'm going to go to the top left to go to the Render Passes UI and I'm going to click on New to create a new render pass group and I'm going to call it lighting passes and click OK and now that I've created the new pass group, I can create some actual passes to go within it. So where it says Passes, I'm going to click on New and I'm going to create a pass, let's call it Pass 1 and click OK. And when I create the pass, I'm automatically placed within it. You can see it says Passes, Pass 1 and you an see it here in the viewport hud and within the lighting passes, Pass 1. If I exit that, you can see that disappears from the hud. So I'm going to go back into my newly created pass…
