From the course: Modo 2019 Essential Training

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Rectangle, cut, move, and sew

Rectangle, cut, move, and sew - MODO Tutorial

From the course: Modo 2019 Essential Training

Rectangle, cut, move, and sew

- In the previous video, we UV mapped this cylinder and now I'm going to show you a few basic UV map editing techniques. Now, if you remember one of the things we did was to scale this UV island in order to fix the distortion on the texture. Now, in some cases there's actually a much quicker and more accurate way of achieving the same result. As long as your UV island conforms to a rectangular grid, you can use the rectangle tool, which I'll do now. I'm just going to click here in the tool bar and just click okay. So, what the rectangle tool does is that it packs UV's perfectly so there's no distortion at all on them. Now, in this case the difference is quite subtle because my initial packing which I did with the scale tool was pretty good. But let's go and do something a bit drastic. I'm going to go to the deform tab of the modeling tools and let's just activate the twist tool and let's just completely distort this UV island. And I hit "q" to drop the tool, return to my UV tools, and…
