From the course: Modo 2019 Essential Training

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Procedural textures

Procedural textures

- [Narrator] This video is going to be an introduction to procedural textures in Modo. Procedural textures are different to image maps because procedural textures are algorithmically generated by Modo itself and because these textures are procedurally generated, they come with some advantages and some disadvantages. The main advantage of procedural textures is that you can apply them to meshes that don't have a UV map and the main disadvantage is that because they're procedurally generated by Modo, they're not recognized by other applications so for example, if you need to export your texture to a game engine, you'll need to bait down your procedural texture to a regular image map before the game engine can use it. Now Modo comes with a huge range of different procedural textures so let's take a look at a few of them. I'm going to click on this first sphere here in Preview to select its material in the Shader Tree and then I'm going to go to Add Layer, Textures, and I'm going to…
