From the course: Modo 2019 Essential Training

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- [Narrator] This video is going to be a quick introduction to MeshFusion in Modo. MeshFusion is a modeling system that allows you to use Boolean operations. And, what Boolean operations do is, they allow you to combine simple shapes together to make more complex shapes, either by adding the shapes together or by subtracting one shape from another. And, when you need to create complex shapes, this can save you a lot of time. And, a great thing about MeshFusion is that it's fully procedural, so you can always go back and edit the source meshes even after they've been combined together. So, what I want to do here is to fuse this top mesh with this base mesh at the bottom, and then punch a bunch of holes through the top mesh. Now, if I was going to try and do this using regular subdivision modeling, it would be extremely time consuming. But, with MeshFusion, it's going to be very quick. I'm going to come out of component mode, and I'm going to select the top mesh and then, holding down…
