From the course: Modo 2019 Essential Training

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Mapping basics: Diffuse and bump

Mapping basics: Diffuse and bump - MODO Tutorial

From the course: Modo 2019 Essential Training

Mapping basics: Diffuse and bump

- [Instructor] This video is going to be an introduction to texture maps. Texture maps allow you to project 2-D images onto your models, in order to provide it either with a base color or with a shading effect, and a prerequisite to being able to use image-based textures on your model is that your mesh must have a UV map, which is something we've covered in previous videos. So the most basic type of texture map is called a diffuse map, and that will simply supply a base color to your model. So if I switch to the images tab, you can see I've got two images that I've imported to the scene are oak diffuse and oak bump. So I'm going to grab oak diffuse and I'm going to drag it into the plain wood material, and as I do so, you'll see that it becomes applied to train model. Now this might make a decent starting point in creating a material, however, most materials are going to require more than just a diffuse map, which is where the oak bump texture comes in. Now I'm going to drag that into…
