From the course: Modo 2019 Essential Training

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- [Instructor] In this video, I'm going to explain the basics of locators in MODO. Locators are special items that are visible in the view port, but which don't actually render. And their main purpose is to help you to organize your scene, and to build hierarchies, and to build controls. To add a locator to your scene, simply hover your mouse cursor over the item list, and hit the l key, and by default, your locator will be added to the center of the world and will be made up of this shape of three lines intersecting across all three major axes. And just like mesh items, locators can be moved and rotated. And you also have the ability to customize both their shape, and their color. To change a locator's shape, look for the shape drop-down in the locator's properties panel, then change the value from default to custom. Now, once you do that, some additional options will appear in the properties panel, and you can choose from a variety of different shapes. So, let's select a sphere for…
