From the course: Modo 2019 Essential Training

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HDR lighting

HDR lighting

- [Instructor] An alternative approach to lighting a scene is to use high dynamic range imagery. So I have the familiar kettle scene and all the lighting at the moment is being provided by the ambient lighting environment. There's no CG lights in this scene at all. And if I switch to my images tab, can see I've imported high dynamic range image called studio lighting six. High dynamic range images are images that can contain very bright pixels. Pixels that are much brighter than the standard low dynamic range images. So I'm just going to expand my environment and I'm going to grab this image from the clip browser and just drag it into my environment just above the environment material. You can see immediately how that transforms the scene. Now it's this image which is providing the lighting for the scene. If I select the image and I go to the texture locator, I can actually rotate the image around the y-axis to change the mapping and that would change the direction from which the…
