From the course: Modo 2019 Essential Training

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Editing the white keys

Editing the white keys - MODO Tutorial

From the course: Modo 2019 Essential Training

Editing the white keys

- So while the white key is now blocked in, if I hold Shift + Tab to turn it into a subdivision mesh, you can see that everything is a little bit too soft. So I'm going to need to use the loop slice tool in order to add some holding edges just to sharpen everything up. So I start on the left hand side, I'm going to paint select these two edges, then hold ALT + C to activate the loop slice tool and I'm just going to bring the edge so that it's got a little bit of roundness left but it's not too sharp. And then once I'm happy, I "q" to drop the tool. Then I do the same thing on the other side. I'm going to select these two edges, hit ALT + C to run the loop slice tool. Once again, I'm just going to make the edge a bit sharper without it being ridiculously sharp. So it's something a bit like this and then I hit "q" to drop the tool. Next, I'm going to tighten this lip at the front, so I'm going to select these two edges and this time I'm going to run the loop slice tool in symmetry mode…
