From the course: Modo 2019 Essential Training

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Displacement and normal maps

Displacement and normal maps - MODO Tutorial

From the course: Modo 2019 Essential Training

Displacement and normal maps

- [Instructor] This video is going to be an introduction to normal and displacement maps. Normal maps are similar to the bump maps that we've already discussed, in that they create the illusion of surface texture. So let me demonstrate by dragging a normal map from my images palette into my material and I'm going to change the effect from diffuse color to surface shading, normal. And as you can see this is adding some texture to the sphere but because it's not actually displacing the surface of the mesh, it's not all that convincing. But bear in mind that adding a normal map to a perfectly smooth sphere, is just about the worst possible case scenario. If the shape of the mesh was more intricate and detailed, the normal map would actually be far more convincing. So if normal maps and bump maps only create the illusion of displacement, there is a type of map that actually does displace the geometry. Those are called displacement maps. So I'm just going to disable the normal map and I'm…
