From the course: Modo 2019 Essential Training

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- In this video we're going to take a quick look at some of the deformation options that are available while modeling in MODO. In the deform tab of the modeling tools, I'm going to start with element move tool. The element move tool is a really hand tool for when you need to make quick adjustments to your geometry on the fly. And that's because the element move tool doesn't require you to make a preselection. You can select and adjust and then reselect with the tool active. So for example if I hover my mouse over this polygon you can see it highlights very faintly in blue, so I'm just going to click on the poly, and that activates the move tool on that polygon and I can adjust that polygon interactively. Once I'm done I don't need to drop the tool, I can simply just interactively hover over this edge for example and then I'm free to move this edge out in 3D space, and I can just keep adjusting various parts of my mesh in real time without ever needing to drop the tool and so this is a…
