From the course: Modo 2019 Essential Training

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- [Instructor] This video is going to be a short introduction to curves in Modo. So we have three different types of curves. There's bezier curves, there's plain old curves, and there's Bsplines, and we'll have a look at all three. And I currently have the curve tab in the Modo tools active, however if you want a different layout, and you don't have access to this curve tab, you can always go to the geometry menu and open the curve palette from there, which will bring up all your main curve tools. I'll close this palette now. So I'll start by activating the bezier curves, so once you've clicked on the tool, you then need to click and drag in the viewport to create your first point. And as you drag you'll also be defining the handle of the bezier curve, so if you've ever used Adobe Illustrator, you'll be familiar with bezier curves. You can define the curvature by dragging the handles, and the longer the handle, the more of a sweep your curve is going to define. And if you just click…
