From the course: Modo 2019 Essential Training

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Curve Fill

Curve Fill

- [Narrator] In this video, we're going to be taking a look at the procedural "Curve Fill" command. This command allows you to create geometry from curves. So I've selected an "Empty" mesh item in my "Item List." And you can see that somewhere below it, there's also this "Curve" mesh item, which is this curve here. So in my "Empty" mesh item, I'm going to click on "Add Operator," and I'm going to type "fill" in the search field. And I'm going to double click on the "Curve Fill" mesh ops. And from the properties, I can select which curve in my scene I want to fill. So I'm going to click on the drop-down, and select my curve item. I might just reduce the steps to eight, and then I'm going to click on "Add Operator," and I'm going to type "bevel," and I'm going to double click on the "Polygon Bevel" mesh ops. And then I can simply use the handles and the open (mumbles) porch to perform my bevel. And a nice thing about the "Curve Fill" mesh op is that it can also be used on text. So I'm…
