From the course: Modo 2019 Essential Training

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Creating the control panel

Creating the control panel - MODO Tutorial

From the course: Modo 2019 Essential Training

Creating the control panel

- The next item I want to model is going to be the control panel for the synthesizer which is going to sit between these two end panels and is going to be at an angle which is parallel to this surface here, so in order to create my new panel at the correct angle, I'm going to copy and paste some of the edges from the existing side panel meshes, so I'm just going to zoom in very quickly, and in edges mode with the side panel selected in the item list, I'm going to ensure that shortest path selection mode is active, and I'm also going to activate symmetry on the X-axis, and I'll start by selecting one of these edges here at the top, and then holding down "shift" I'm going to extend the selection down to the bottom, and because I had symmetry enabled, the selection is going to be mirrored on the other side as you can see here, and I'll hit "ctrl+c" to copy those edges to the clipboard. Then I'm going to hover my cursor over the item list and I hit the "n" key to create a new empty mesh…
