From the course: Modo 2019 Essential Training

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Creating a spring

Creating a spring

- In this video, we're going to create a procedural spring. So to begin with, I'm going to make sure I've got an empty mesh item selected. And I'm going to invoke the Cylinder tool. And I'm just going to tumble the viewport until the Work Plane flips to the horizontal. Next, I'm going to enable snapping and I'm also going to click on the Grid option to enable grid-snapping. And I'm going to click from the center of the grid to the first corner to create a perfect circle. With that done, I drop the Cylinder tool. And then, I'll hit the X key to toggle snapping off. I'm going to hit the R key to invoke the scale tool. And I'm just going to uniform scale my circle in a little bit to make it a little bit smaller. Once that's done, I will hit Q to drop the Scale tool. Then, I'm just going to rename this mesh to circle. And then I'll hit N over the item list to create a new mesh item. And in this mesh item, I'm going to create a spiral curve. So I'm going to click on Add Operator and I'm…
