From the course: Modo 2019 Essential Training

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Continuing the side panel

Continuing the side panel - MODO Tutorial

From the course: Modo 2019 Essential Training

Continuing the side panel

- [Instructor] In this video, I'm going to start with this flat side panel shape, and I'm going to to give it some depth. And we'll finish off by duplicating it on the other side of the synth. And I'm going to continue the process using procedural mesh operators. So in my Mesh Ops panel, I'm going to click on Add Operator. And I'm going to search for a bevel. Once I've located the Polygon Bevel, I'm going to double click to add it to my stack. And then, I'll click on the blue arrow, and I'll drag forwards, and you can see that that is creating a polygon bevel. I'm going to check the option to thicken the polygons. Now one issue I can see is that this is creating regular faces rather than Catmull-Clark subdivisions, so I'm going to need to fix that. And the simplest way to do that is to go one step back to the Curve Fill Mesh Op, and change the polygon type from face to Catmull-Clark. Can see as soon as I do that, the side panel is subdivided. And then I'm going to return to the…
