From the course: Modo 2019 Essential Training

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Assigning materials

Assigning materials

- So we're now on the final stretch, and we're ready to assign materials and do the final lighting and rendering of the scene. So I've created a couple of very simple additional items, there's a box here which is to simulate the table for the synthesizer to sit on, and this large box here is simply to simulate a bit of furniture in the room. I'm going to use a high dynamic range image to light the scene, and so the purpose of this additional box is simply just to cast some soft shadows, and to block a bit of the very bright light. But before moving on the lighting stage, I just need to finish assigning materials to my geometry. And if I switch to the shading tab, you can see I did actually create quite a few materials as I was modeling the geometry. But there are some elements that still need to have polygon tags assigned to them. So I'll start with this side panel, and because this was created using procedural modeling, I'm going to have to use the modifier stack to assign the…
