From the course: Modo 2019 Essential Training

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Action centers

Action centers

- When performing modeling operations in 3D space, Moto offers you very fine control of both the pivot point and the direction of those modeling operations. And this is done through something known as action centers. Action centers work both in item mode, as I am here, or in any one of the three component modes. So if I hit the e key to activate the rotation tool, you can see that by default the rotation tool is centered around the pivot of my item. But what if I want my rotation tool to center around the world center instead? Well to do this, I go to the action centers button up here on the Moto tool bar and I set my action center to origin. And now if I rotate the cube, you can see that the rotation is happening around the world center. One particularly useful action center is the automatic action center. Let me select it and show you why it's useful. With the automatic action center selected, you can see there's this little blue gizmo in the center of my rotation tool and I can…
