From the course: Mobile Marketing Strategy

The state of mobile marketing

- [Instructor] 82% Of customers use a mobile device to make a product decision. Are you ready to take advantage of this next big opportunity? In this lesson, we'll look at the current state of business and the global impact of COVID 19. There's a need now more than ever for businesses to think about implementing a mobile marketing strategy, to reach prospects and engage with customers. Here's some stats that highlight the current mobile landscape. Let's start with this stat. In 2020, 46% of the world's population had a smartphone and there are 3.5 billion smartphone users worldwide and the number of users is expected to increase. It is predicted that approximately 75% of the total number of the world's population of mobile users will be using smartphones by the end of 2025. That's a 40% increase in mobile phone users in five years. This means that the majority of the world's population will have a smartphone in the near future, which creates a great marketing opportunity for you. But first let's reflect back on an unprecedented year, which could have had a negative impact on the mobile industry, but it actually accelerated it. Mobile adoption surged in 2020. What was expected to take two to three years for mobile adoption was a reached in 12 months. We have the pandemic to thank for this. Consumers who had to shelter in place, use their mobile phone to complete tasks they may have achieved by other means such as ordering food and banking. While consumers were sheltering in place because of the pandemic, they were forced to use digital means to shop. Certain retailers benefited from this. Consumer spend on mobile achieved new heights of 143 billion that's billion with a B, in 2020, which represents a 20% year over year growth. The pandemic changed consumer behavior. Analysts say that many people will not revert back to their previous behavior. New habits have been formed. So would it retailers and businesses do? They placed ads on the technology that people were increasingly using, their mobile device. In 2020, 240 billion was spent on mobile ads. Mobile ad spend is set to top 290 billion in 2021. Mobile ad placement grew 95% year over year in the U.S. COVID 19 induced cuts to marketing budgets, which likely prompted advertisers to seek cheaper options. So, marketers turned to interstitial ads, which had the largest year over year growth. Interstitial ads or interactive ads also known as pop-up ads. They appear as you navigate from one page to another. They're typically placed between content as transition points or breaks. Businesses are using interstitial ads to stand out from the crowd and their competition, as well as to gain viewers attention because interstitial ads are larger in size and many times use rich media, interstitial ads drive higher user engagement. The larger ad size leave a better impression on users and higher impression rates lead to higher click-through rates. Increase click-through rates lead to increase conversion rates and higher conversion rates lead to increase sales. As they say, timing is everything. The pandemic may have negatively impacted other aspects of the economy, but it sure has been a catalyst for growth in the mobile industry as we've just discussed. So now's a great time to take advantage of the positive trend in mobile adoption. More and more people are using their mobile phone. So this is a great marketing medium and channel to reach your target audience. To capitalize on the momentum of mobile, you'll need a strong mobile marketing strategy that can help you better engage with your customers and drive revenue. So get a pen and paper or your favorite note taking tool, and we'll walk through crafting this strategy together.
