From the course: Mobile Marketing Strategy

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Mobile-first marketing via email

Mobile-first marketing via email

From the course: Mobile Marketing Strategy

Mobile-first marketing via email

- [Instructor] 81% of consumers regularly check emails using a smartphone. In this session, we're going to discuss why you need to have a mobile first mindset when designing an email. We'll also discuss best practices regarding design, copy and images when developing email campaigns. A person's mobile phone is like an everyday accessory similar to a watch or jewelry. It is a device that is typically with a person at all times. Besides making phone calls, consumers use a mobile device to check email. One study found that nearly 42% of all email opens happen on a mobile device. That's a smartphone or tablet versus other devices like a desktop or PC. Research by Statista found that in 2018, around 50% of consumers open email on a mobile device. Now we're going to discuss some email design best practices for mobile. First, build an email that responds to and reformats the content of the email based on the mobile device…
