From the course: Mobile Marketing Strategy

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Identify your ideal client

Identify your ideal client

- [Instructor] Who's your ideal client? That simple question in my opinion is the key to marketing. We'll start first with the identifying the demographics and firmagraphics of your target audience. And then we'll move on to psychographics. Demographics and firmagraphics, this is information you probably already have in mind who you're going to target. So on your handy-dandy mobile marketing planning worksheet, write down your ideal customer's demographic information like age, gender identification, geographic location, income level, job title, and company size. Psychographics, this is where many people they'll fall short in their marketing strategies and plans. Today's consumers are savvy and the advancements in technology have elevated consumer expectations. So not only do you need to know about the basic demographic information, you also need to understand their mental and emotional state. The secret to developing a…
