From the course: Mobile Marketing Strategy

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Get set up for mobile commerce

Get set up for mobile commerce

From the course: Mobile Marketing Strategy

Get set up for mobile commerce

- [Instructor] Mobile, the new path to purchase, but you already knew that because that's why you're taking this course, gotcha. So let's explore this idea of mobile commerce and it's best practices. We'll also consider two important aspects of mobile commerce, the ability to accept payments and security. Just to make sure that we're on the same page, less define mobile commerce, which is sometimes called m-commerce. Mobile commerce is the selling and purchasing of products and services via a mobile device. This means consumers can shop virtually anywhere. Targeting mobile users to sell your products and services is the ultimate goal, right? Mobile marketing offers you a great opportunity to drive sales and engagement with customers. So let's consider a few mobile commerce best practices. Create an omni-channel experience regardless of where consumers prefer to make a purchase. The experience should be consistent across…
