From the course: Midjourney: Tips and Techniques for Creating Images

Using the Style Reference parameter

- [Instructor] In Midjourney version Six Alpha, they've recently introduced a new parameter called Style Reference. This gives us the ability to add an image to the end of a parameter, to use it so that we can define the aesthetic of the images that we would like to produce. So unlike an image that we'll use in conjunction with a text reference or how we've used it with very region, this is added in the parameter section. Let's see how we can use this. First thing we want to do is upload the images that we want to use or have the links on file of what we want to reference. In this case, I've already supplied some images for us for this movie. So click on the plus icon in your Midjourney bot, and let's choose upload a file. In the Midjourney image assets, you will find a public domain folder. Let's take a look at some of those image references that we can use. In this case, we'll use the last one here, the Portrait of a Woman, which is public domain. I'll choose open and let's press return for Discord to process it. In order for us to reference this in the parameter field, let's right click it and choose to copy the link. And now we're ready to start with our Imagine prompt. And to see some variations of this, we're going to use some permutations, which we learned in an earlier movie. So let's start with the imagine prompt. I'll follow that with a colon. I'm going to type in a portrait of a, let's follow that with the squiggly bracket in order to have multiple jobs, and first off, I'll type in rock band. Next, I'm going to type in rap artist, and last, I'm going to type in famous public speaker. I'll follow that with a squiggly bracket, and let's define the place that they're in and I'll type in NA followed by a squiggly bracket, first off, studio, second off, garden. Close squiggly bracket. And now for the magic, let's press the comma key. First of all, define the aspect ratio, --ar. We'll make this four by seven and we'll then follow this with the new parameter, which is sref and we have that link saved from earlier. So type in command + V or control + V, followed by the return key. Again, because I'm working with V6 Alpha, and this is set up under the settings, V6 gets appended to the very end of this. We also get a warning here that, hey, you're about to produce six different end results, which we do want from those permutations that we set up. So let's choose yes. Okay, the jobs are now produced. Here is my original image, and let's just go through the six jobs. So here is the rap artist in the garden. We then have a portrait of a famous public speaker in a studio. A rock band, and then the same results of them in those different places, so the garden and the studio. This is looking great, and you can see the real power of being able to take an image in, and then using that as a reference to define the overall style of your images. We can use the parameter --sw, which refers to style weight, in order to have the style have more influence over the images that Midjourney produces. I have more examples there in the public domain folder that you can use, not to mention anything that we've produced within this course. So give that --sref parameter a try in your next workflow.
