From the course: Midjourney: Tips and Techniques for Creating Images

Using Style Raw and the Stylize Parameter

- [Instructor] Whenever you enter a text prompt in Midjourney with the imagine command and press Return, Midjourney is going to add some beautification to it. If you don't want this beautification to be applied, you can direct it. Sometimes you might want something as photorealistic or as close to the text prompt as possible, and that is where the style command comes in with the regular Midjourney version. Let's look at an example of this. I'm going to enter in the imagine prompt, and I'm going to follow this with a colon and I'm going to say a candid photo of a couple on the beach shot with a 100-millimeter lens and shallow depth of field. I want to follow this with a comma and we'll use the aspect ratio of 16:9 and see the results that are produced without any other influence, noting that I've changed my settings to use the v6 Alpha. So here are the various results I get from Midjourney, and I'm now going to take this exact same prompt and copy it. Bring up the imagine command, paste the prompts, enter the parameter 16:9 for the aspect ratio, and follow that with the style command of raw. And this is the one style command that you can use with the Midjourney engine in order to follow the text prompt more closely and not have Midjourney add any beautification. If we take a look at the variations that were produced, we could see a more dream-like tone for the first candid photo images compared to a more candid result of the images produced with style raw. Style raw also comes into play if we want to have text within our images, and that we'll explore within another movie. In addition to style raw with the base Midjourney model, we can also use the stylize command to define how much we want Midjourney to take over from our text prompt. Let's enter a new text prompt. I want to use the imagine prompt. Let's type in the first draft of a storyboard illustration for a drama. We'll follow this with a comma. Let's go with ar 16:9. And for the stylize command, let's first, we can either use stylize or just s, and I'll set the stylize amount to be high, which is 1,000. We'll let Midjourney get to work. We can see that these storyboards are quite well produced. Let's copy the text prompts, Command + C, use the imagine command again and type in the same thing. The first draft of a storyboard illustration for a drama, followed by comma. We'll use the aspect ratio of 16:9, and this time, we'll use a stylize command that's really low. Let's set it to 50. I'll follow that with the return key. As you can see with a lower stylize command, we're getting a lot less color and this feels much more like a draft than the first four that were produced. Keep in mind that we can carry over some of the stylize command to the Niji model that works with Midjourney, not to mention that we can set up our preferred stylize default under settings. So if you go /settings, similar to what I've done with activating the Midjourney model v6 Alpha, you can choose a different stylize mode or just enables stylize raw. And there are different options available to you under the Niji model if you do select it. And that's a little bit of information about the parameters style and stylize.
