From the course: Midjourney: Tips and Techniques for Creating Images

Creating text in Midjourney v6

- [Instructor] While in this course, we looked at earlier models of Midjourney and how we could produce text using multiple variations with Midjourney Model v6. You are now able to apply text to your images. However, it does come with a few caveats. One is that the text should be short and there are different ways that you can try to direct the text in order to have it perfectly sit within your images. In order to follow along, just make sure under your settings Midjourney Model v6 Alpha is selected and let's use our handy imagine prompt. In this case, we're going to create a 1960s movie poster in black and white of a Western called "The Town." We'll follow that with a comma and let's use the aspect ratio, in this case, a four-by-seven and follow this with return. Let's take a closer look at the images that were produced. We definitely have a black and white style here, and the text "The Town," although it is quite small in this case. Let's copy the prompt that we just used and try to add a stylized raw value to see what happens to our results. So I'm going to follow this with the Imagine prompt. I've just copied the style, so I'm going to press Command + V, Control + V to copy it, still using version six. And at the end here, I'm just going to type in style, followed by raw, which we explored earlier in this course. The good news is in the new images produced, the text is much more prominent. However, it's not spelt correctly in most of these variations. What we could do is take the example that we like. I like U1 in this instance, although it does have a splash of color from the original prompt that I had. I'm going to very strong, noting that I have remix turned on. And then just submit this to see if I can end up the proper spelling of my fictitious movie. By using a strong variation style, it does look like we do have the text correct and prominent in each of our movie posters. So this is something that you can employ, not to mention in some cases where you don't want the stylize raw command to work as powerfully, you could also just set a low stylize amount instead, in order to end up with your result of having your text be accurate within the images that you produce. And taking a look at another example, I'm going to type in imagine prompt: a wall in a nightclub with the words "This is it" in neon calligraphy. So defining the style of text that I'd like. I'll follow this with a comma. We'll set the aspect ratio to be 69 and we'll follow it with another parameter of stylize. But in this case, just set a low amount versus stylize raw. We can see from the job created, we got one accurate "This is it," and some that are very close to that. Just like before, we can enlarge something that is close, such as U3, and from this, try a strong variation. Again, I have remix turned on so I could add to that and see what we end up with. And here from that strong variation, we now have two additional images that do have the accurate spelling of text. This is only touching the surface of being able to generate text in version six of Midjourney Alpha. And this is fast changing, so come back to this course as I continue to update this as the results of the generated images get better and better.
