From the course: Microsoft Teams: Working with Files

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View a file's version history

View a file's version history

- [Instructor] After a file is shared with a team, you can edit it, your teammates can edit it, it can go through lots of changes. Fortunately, Word, PowerPoint, and Excel files store a version history that you can take advantage of, even in the Teams interface, which will let you roll back changes in a document. So we've made a few edits to this document in Teams. I'm going to click on that to open it up. And naturally, I'm editing it here in the Teams interface. If I need to go back to an earlier version of this file, I can click where it says File in the top left, then go to Info, and then choose Version History. Over on the left, I can see when past changes were made and who made those changes. And you can click the arrow next to a day to see all of the changes that were made in that day. So I could select any of these previous versions, and I can see the document as it was at that time. And I can flip between different…
