From the course: Microsoft Teams: Working with Files

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Use the Files tab to find files

Use the Files tab to find files

- [Instructor] In this video, I want to look at how you can easily locate and view files that you or your coworkers have previously shared. We're starting in the Teams section, and I'm going to go to one of my conversation channels. And scrolling through the messages that were posted in this channel, I can see where people have shared files. And when I find the file that I want, I can just click on it here to view it. But really, as time passes, it will get difficult to find old files from here. If there were a lot of messages, it might be hard to scroll through and find the specific file that you're looking for. In that case, you should take a look up at the top. And by default, we are in the Posts tab, but there's another tab here we can click on for Files. And this shows a list of every file that has been shared in this specific channel. And this Files tab will be there in every single channel in each of your teams.…
