From the course: Microsoft Teams: Working with Files

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Understand where shared files are stored

Understand where shared files are stored - Microsoft Teams Tutorial

From the course: Microsoft Teams: Working with Files

Understand where shared files are stored

- In this video, I want to help you really understand where your shared files are being stored. We're starting in the Teams section, and I'm working in this channel called Site Redesign. I'll click the button to post a new conversation, and I'm not actually going to type in a message, I'll just go straight to sharing the file. So I'll click the paper clip icon, and we'll talk about some of the options in this menu, but to start, I'm just going to upload a file from my computer. So naturally, I'll navigate to the file that I want to share, I'll select it, click Open, give it a moment for that green bar to fill up, and then I can click the Share button. So when you upload a file like this from your computer, it makes a copy of that file. The original file is still on my computer, but this is a new copy of the file, which is stored in the file library in this Team channel. Remember, we can go to the Files tab, and…
