From the course: Microsoft Teams: Working with Files

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Share files outside of Teams

Share files outside of Teams

- [Instructor] Files that have been shared with a team channel can only be seen by members of that team. And files shared in a chat can only be seen by the participants of that chat, but in this video, we'll see how to make those files available to people outside of the team or the chat. So here in a conversation thread, I can find a file that was shared, and it doesn't matter if you are the person who originally shared it or if somebody else shared it, just find the file that you want. Click this button with three dots to the right of it that opens this menu. And there's an option here to copy a link to that file. You could do that here in the conversation thread or you can go to the files tab, find the file that you want. You'll see when you point at the file, that button with three dots will appear, once again you can click that to open a menu and you can choose copy link. And that gives you a link to access…
