From the course: Microsoft Teams: Working with Files

Share files in Teams

- [Instructor] In this video, we will start with the basic process of sharing a file in Teams. And it helps if you are already familiar with Teams, channels and private chats, which are all explained in the Microsoft Teams Essential Training Course. Starting on the sidebar on the left, I want to go to the teams category. This is where you can have conversations, and post messages to groups of people which are known as Teams. So first you can go to a team, I'm a member of a team here called Web Design. And then you can go to a conversation channel in that team. So I'll go to this channel called site redesign, and then you can post a message to that channel just by clicking the new conversation button or replying to an existing conversation. I'll start a new conversation. And one way to share a file is to put it in a message here. So first I'm going to type in some text for this message. Then to share a file in this message, you can click the paper clip icon below the text field to open this menu. There are a few options, but most people will either upload a file that is stored locally on their computer, or share a file that they have stored on one drive. There are important differences for each of these, and we'll explore those in other videos. But for now, I'm going to share a file that I have on my computer. So I'll choose that. Navigate to the file that I want to share. Here it is in my documents folder. Then I'll like that, click open, and I'm waiting for this green bar to build up because it's uploading that file. And now it's ready. Once, you're happy with the file that you want to send, and the message that you want to write, you can click the send button, and that message has been set. So that file has been uploaded to this team, and any member of the team can see it. They can click on that file here to open it. And if it is a Microsoft Office file, they can even edit it here right in the Microsoft Teams window. But for now, I'm just going to click the close button up here on the top right to close it. So you can share a file in a message in a Teams channel. But another option is to go to the chat section over here on the left. This is where you can send private messages. So chats are often one-on-one, but you can send chat messages to multiple specific people. These are different from conversations in the Teams channels. Chat messages are only visible to the people that you have directly sent them to. And in addition to sending messages, you can also share files in a chat conversation. So I'm going to select this chat conversation I'm having with Henry. I see the message field down here at the bottom and I'll type in my message. (keyboard typing) And once again, I can click the paper clip icon below the text field, and then I can share a file. Once again, I'm going to upload a file from my computer. Here are my documents folder. I'll find the file that I'm looking for. Click open, wait for that green bar. And then when I'm ready, I can click the send button to send that. So those are the two places where you can share files in Teams. But you may be wondering about the option over on the sidebar on the left labeled files. This is actually not a place where you share files with other people. Instead, it's a tool for browsing, and finding files. In the teams subsection here, you can see all of the files that have been shared across all of the teams that you are a member of. There's also a shortcut here for your personal OneDrive. This is just a nice way to browse through your own personal files that you have on your OneDrive without opening a separate window. You also have an option down here at the bottom to link other cloud storage tools like Dropbox or Google Drive. So you can browse those files here as well. So this file section just gives you an extra tool to find files that you already have access to. You don't share files from here. The two methods that we saw in the Teams category, and the chat category are generally, what you'll use to share files. There are more details that we will explore but those are the main areas that we'll focus on.
