From the course: Microsoft Teams: Working with Files

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Open a file library in SharePoint

Open a file library in SharePoint

- [Instructor] Many of the tools in Microsoft 365 are inherently linked together, whether you use them all or not. In this video, we'll talk about the relationship between SharePoint and Teams as it relates to file sharing. Now, in Teams, I am a member of this Web Design team, this Licensing and legal team, and this Social Committee team. In most Microsoft 365 deployments, when a team is created, a Microsoft 365 group and a SharePoint group are also created, or, to be more accurate, a team and a SharePoint group are the same thing but can be viewed differently in different tools. At their core, they're just collections of people with services attached to them. So, in Teams, you can send messages and have meetings with those people, In Outlook, you can quickly send email or share calendars with people, but SharePoint, on the other hand, is a big system. So I'm not able to talk about everything that SharePoint can…
