From the course: Microsoft Teams: Working with Files

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Change edit permissions for team members

Change edit permissions for team members - Microsoft Teams Tutorial

From the course: Microsoft Teams: Working with Files

Change edit permissions for team members

- [Narrator] By default, all members of a team can view and edit files that have been shared in that team, but there are options to limit those permissions. It does take a little work to get it set up and options we'll see in this video can only be changed by a team owner. We're starting in a team channel. You will not have these options in a private chat, only in a team channel. Up at the top, we'll go to the files tab and then we need to open this file library in SharePoint. So in the toolbar, I'll find the button to open it in SharePoint. So now we're working in the same file library but we have more tools in the SharePoint interface, so go ahead and pick out a file or a folder. You can change permissions on an individual file, or if you change permissions on a folder, they will be applied to any of the files contained in that folder. I'm going to choose this folder. Then I'll click the button with three dots to open…
