From the course: Microsoft Project Step by Step: Planning for Successful Project Management

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Set up work resources

Set up work resources

Planning the people you will need to get things done is an important first step in resource planning. You enter your resource list on resource sheet, but how do you get there? Well, in the past, I've been showing you the right click option, but let's do something different. Let's use the View tab. Now, you may have noticed that there is a Gantt Chart button here that looks similar to the Gantt Chart button on Task tab, but there's a key difference. Over here when I click the down arrow, there's a long list, but on the View tab, when I do the same thing, the list is short. You might panic, but there is a reason why it was designed this way. It's because all the other view options are now buttons that you can click on and the one I want is resource sheet. So if you ever get confused, why is Gantt chart dropdown not showing me everything? Just go back to the Task tab. And I'm clicking "Resource Sheet" and it's blank. Let me enter my name in as the first resource and I'm just pressing…
