From the course: Microsoft Project Step by Step: Planning for Successful Project Management

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Set up cost resources

Set up cost resources

A plan is not complete unless you consider other costs for delivery, such as travel. Let me type in travel, and this time I will change the type to cost. A lot of stuff disappears. What will happen is later on, when we assign travel to a task, we can put in the dollar amount. Why this is so important is because, of course, when you buy an airline ticket, the price varies every time. You're going to use a cost resource for things like food as well. And one that I use a lot on my projects is a vendor. They'll often provide a firm fixed price, so I obviously don't have their daily rate or hourly rate, but I know the total for that contract. So that's something else we'll be able to use. Now, why I love listing the resource here rather than just putting a miscellaneous fixed cost on a task is because later on I want the ability to be able to filter or maybe even group by that vendor name or by all travel costs. So I recommend you use a cost resource as an option to incorporate a resource…
