From the course: Microsoft Project Step by Step: Planning for Successful Project Management

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Manage files and set options in the Backstage view

Manage files and set options in the Backstage view

Don't let the phrase "Backstage view" fool you. This is simply the place where you control your file and your configuration. Think of this as where you go to produce the start and ending of a successful performance. In our case, a plan. We'll mention when options are important throughout. You access Backstage view under File. Everything in here is Backstage view, but I would personally like to point out options. Here are some hints for you when it says General options. Everything on this tab are things that impact your computer, all files on your computer. However, when you're in an area like schedule and you see options for this project, you decide is it impacting only that one or is it all future projects. And like I mentioned, we'll tell you what's important throughout. For any of you that make lots of mistakes, like I do, you can actually configure your undo options and that's available on File, Options, be sure to go to Advanced and the default is 20, but you can increase that up…
