From the course: Microsoft Project Step by Step: Planning for Successful Project Management

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Copy views and reports

Copy views and reports

Sending a complete plan to others might expose information you don't want to share and it requires the other person to have a license. Copy what you need is a great way to isolate information and share it on a more common platform such as email. Now, I should point out, when you work with leaders, you often don't want to give them too much information because they might question you. I actually prefer giving them a timeline so they can just focus in on their high level items. I also suggest if you contract work to other parties and maybe you bid on an item with a firm fixed price, you don't want the other parties to know about every little task because that's not relevant to them. So let's look at some copy paste methods and you can pick the ones that meet your needs. The first thing I want to show you is this task list, how you might take this into another program. I'm just doing a typical select. You can copy, Ctrl C, you can use this copy, but let's look at the results in Excel…
