From the course: Microsoft Project Step by Step: Planning for Successful Project Management

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Check a plan’s duration and finish date

Check a plan’s duration and finish date

Don't waste time creating a plan summary. Instead, use the Project Summary Task or Project Statistics and have plan totals calculated for you automatically. Now, let's talk about why this is so important. I guarantee you will get asked on a repeated basis, when will you be done, how long is it going to take, and so on. So let's see where this information is in Project. Now, that I have my plan up, one way we can see when we might be done is by looking at the timeline. You may not have noticed that this is actually calculating your finish date based on the start you've provided. Another place you'll see this is under Project, Project Information. And again, there's that finish date being calculated. Well, what if you want other details like the overall duration, don't make this difficult click "Statistics." Frequently, I will take a screen capture of this and share this with others. Later on, in this course, we're going to use this to see variance details as well. But isn't it nice to…
