From the course: Microsoft Power Automate Essential Training

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Create a scheduled flow

Create a scheduled flow

- [Instructor] What is a scheduled flow and how do you create one? In a scheduled flow, the trigger is a specific time rather than an event, like it would be in an automated flow. And you get to set the time and the frequency. Let's go ahead and take a look. We're going to go to our Create page. And we're going to click on scheduled cloud flow. And you'll see it says you choose when and how often it runs. That's a really nice feature. When we click there, we get this window, build a scheduled cloud flow. And of course, the first thing we have to do is give our flow a name. We're going to call it Agenda Items because this flow is going to send our team an email every Thursday morning to remind them to send us agenda items for our team meeting on Friday. And that's going to run into perpetuity, until we stop it. So the first thing we do is choose the start date, and we have a calendar picker. So we're going to click…
