From the course: Microsoft Power Automate Essential Training

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Copy a flow

Copy a flow

- [Instructor] In this movie we're going to see how to copy a flow. And copying is different than sharing a flow. We're not going to add a co-owner. We're literally going to send a copy of a flow as a template to a colleague. Cecilia's colleague, Jonathan has expressed an interest in this flow here, a Google event from Outlook. Let's open it up to take a look at the page. Once it opens up, we see that we have the option here to send a copy. So we're going to send a copy of this to Jonathan but when we click on the send a copy, the panel opens up and if we take a look at this yellow bar, you'll see it says flow contains one or more email addresses. Remove any personal content from flow before sending copy. Now this is not the connections. This is any personal content. So if we had maybe a phone number, an email address, something personal, something we didn't want to share, you would want to go into the flow and strip it…
