From the course: Microsoft Power Apps Essential Training: The Basics

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Use the Power Apps mobile apps

Use the Power Apps mobile apps

- [Instructor] You download the free mobile app for your phone or your tablet in the same place where you download other apps for your phone or for your tablet. I found my iOS app in the application store for Apple, but you'll also find Android apps in Google Play and so on. The first time that I use this app, I'll need to log in. After you log in, then you have access to your apps including this app we just created a few minutes ago, the service call log, and the Kinetico weekly survey created earlier in the course. So this is what the field experience is for the folks using your apps. If I choose service call log, it loads. There's our splash screen. I click to go into the browse screen, and then can view details, and edit details as well. So if this ended up being also assigned to Robert, that can be updated. And after this has been resolved, Robert can add that information all done on the…
