From the course: Microsoft Power Apps Essential Training: The Basics

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Setup a sample template application

Setup a sample template application

- [Instructor] Let's begin by creating an app using a template. Each time I log into Power Apps and want to work on an application, I first do a quick check and make sure I'm in the correct environment. Now let's click create. Scroll down a little bit and you'll see, start from template. There are a number of built in templates and your organization can create other templates and display them here for your use. They can purchase templates and you want to know what templates exist, because if you begin creating an app from scratch, for example, a help desk app, and the app created with a template would've met your needs, you've spent extra time creating an application. So from time to time, make sure that you're familiar with the templates that are provided for your organization. We're going to create a survey. You can scroll down to employee engagement survey or you can use the search box to find the employee…
