From the course: Microsoft Power Apps Essential Training: The Basics

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Browse gallery layouts and choose fields

Browse gallery layouts and choose fields

- [Instructor] The three screens in the basic three-screen app include a browse screen, which displays information about multiple rows of your data source, a detail screen, which displays information about one row so that it can be viewed, and an edit screen that allows a user to edit that same information. The browse screen has a control that's called a gallery. And if I click further down in the screen, you'll notice that this control, which is pretty tall, includes many different rows of data. Now, if I had chosen instead to select the top card, I'm actually selecting controls, but anything below that first card in the gallery will select the entire gallery. We see one and only one piece of data and that is the description for these two records. If I go from here to the detail screen, we know the other data is there. It's just not being displayed. So why not? Well, the browse gallery has different layouts. The layout…
