From the course: Microsoft Power Apps Essential Training: The Basics

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Add a screen to the app

Add a screen to the app

- [Instructor] I'd like to have a splash screen on this app right now, when we play the application, it drops in on the browse screen by default. I'd like to have a screen before this, where I can describe the app, tell folks how to get support for it, that sort of thing. So what I'm going to do is go to New screen and I have lots of choices, Blank screen, a Scrollable screen, a List, a Form, Success, as in you're all done, Brief Tutorial, People, Meeting, Calendar, I'm simply going to choose blank. And we have a new blank screen. Make it a little bit smaller so that we can see it, it says I can add an item from the Insert pane, or I can connect to data. I'm actually going to click in the canvas and then create a new label, and here it is. And you already know there are a lot of ways that we can edit what's there. Right now, the property for text is simply the word text. But I'm going to note that this is, KinetEco…
