From the course: Microsoft Entra ID: Basics

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Users and groups management

Users and groups management

- [Instructor] The next step in onboarding onto Azure AD is to manage users and groups. All objects in Azure AD are revamped for cloud readiness, regardless of whether the objects are created in the cloud or synchronized from on premises through AD Connect. Objects that are native to the cloud are already compatible with it. But those that are synchronized are appended with the necessary attributes after synchronization to make them cloud ready. There are three main types of users in Azure AD: federated, synchronized and cloud-only. This categorization is based on two factors. One, the scope of operation of these accounts and, two, where the authentication takes place. Let me explain. You get federated users in Azure AD from environments where both ADDS and ADFS are present on premises and users are synchronized to the cloud using AD Connect. The scope of operation of such accounts encompasses both environments, which means federated users can access resources on the cloud as well as…
