From the course: Microsoft Entra ID: Basics

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Managed identities

Managed identities

- [Instructor] So you've learned about how user accounts for internal employees and external users work. But there's another category of accounts that is not really for users. These are service accounts. We use them to assign identities to applications or services. I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say service accounts are painful to manage. Creating them, remembering what applications they are for, rotating their passwords, and deleting them if they're no longer needed. It's a hassle doing all of that repeatedly at scale. That's where Azure AD Managed Identities step in. With this, you can let Azure AD manage the life cycle of your service accounts. You don't have to worry about changing passwords or deleting them manually. It's all taken care of. You create these managed identities for applications that need access to Azure resources, Azure resources that support Azure AD authentication. If that sounds a little…
