From the course: Microsoft Entra ID: Basics

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Impact on standalone infrastructures

Impact on standalone infrastructures

From the course: Microsoft Entra ID: Basics

Impact on standalone infrastructures

- [Instructor] So far, we've explored the fundamental building blocks of Azure AD, seen how well it fits in the industry and walked through a few demos to see it in action. In this chapter, let's analyze the potential business impact of Azure AD adoption. I say potential because Azure AD has many components. The overall business impact may vary from organization to organization, depending on which components are being used. Exact numbers can only be determined for individual cases where we have full access to the deployment details. Alternatively, what we can do and will do is predict how Azure AD may impact businesses based on the factors we've previously discussed. We'll make those predictions in three key areas of interest. Change in infrastructure complexity, employee productivity, and monetary variation. Here's the impact on standalone infrastructures for small medium businesses. The assumption here is…
