From the course: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals (AZ-900) Cert Prep: 2 Azure Architecture and Security

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Understand data centers

Understand data centers

- [Instructor] Datacenters are the last link in the chain of components in an Azure architecture. An Azure datacenter is a physical building in an availability zone. This is where the servers that run and process your services, applications, and data are stored. Microsoft picks the location for its datacenters after a thorough scrutiny of the land. They assess the location for risk of all possible natural calamities and then zero in on a location. This means they don't just depend on procedures to deal with disasters, they try to avoid them altogether in the first place. In addition to the servers, datacenters also house tons of enterprise storage, networking, and firewall equipment. Here's an interesting fact. Any piece of data you store in the cloud, Microsoft locally stores a total of three copies for it. You only pay for one copy, and Microsoft keeps two backups of it so that you never lose your data. When customers specifically request extra redundancy in addition to these three…
